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Trusting Your Archive

By Dakota Williams / on September 24, 2014

Have you ever been in a situation where you have archived all of your company’s valuable email data and now it seems you can’t get any emails out of it?

This kind of situation happens all the time to companies. They need to put their trust in an on-premise archive platform which may be reaching end of life but the company believes the archive will remain stable and will be productive when their company needs to retrieve their data. Companies believe that if they place this important information into the archive for security, it should remain there right?

Well, what if an investigation or an audit comes along or the company chooses to migrate the on-premise archive to the cloud?

Then you find out that you are unable to retrieve any data out of the archive due to the archive’s indexes being corrupted. More and more companies are finding themselves in this situation every day.

When choosing the right archive solution, many companies need to do their research and know what they are putting their valuable information in. US-Amplify and their team of experts are here to help companies stay out of this situation.

If you want more information on archiving, contact US-Amplify @ 214.630.0081

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