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Email Archive Migrations To The Cloud - DIY or Migration Tool, where do I start?

DIY or an Automated Email Migration?Fast.png

In today’s fast moving enterprise migrating email from on premise archive systems is happening all around the planet for various business and compliance reasons.  The fast adoption of Microsoft’s Office365 platform had done nothing but pushed organization to the cloud faster with less scrutiny. So how does one determine what the best approach is and what questions to ask prior to making this important decision regarding how best to protect and move this vital business asset. 

This short blog exposes a few of the top questions asked when companies are researching how and which tool to use to assist in the manner.

The Need for Speed – No. 1?

When considering moving email data to the cloud, the first question asked by most organizations is around speed.

How quickly can my data be moved from on premise to the cloud or vice versa?”

Although speed is critical when transitioning to the cloud, understanding that speed is not everything when migrating is just as important. Ensuring that the migration speeds are from point A to point B without a staging area should be considered.

All migration tools are NOT created equally.

Many email migration tools are available in the market have high claims of fast migration speeds, but those speeds are not clearly defined as to where the data is going. Fast migration speeds to a ‘staging area’ before actually going to the destination can extend the duration of your overall migrations.  Don't forget to ask. 

 Don’t forget your checklist.

So if speed to destination is the first classic question, what else should I ask my migration partner prior to starting my email migration? 

  1. Speed to Migration from target to target
  2. Which platforms and I going to and from
  3. Is my data protected
  4. Is chain of custody managed
  5. What happens to all my email if when the system fails
  6. Can is see what has moved
  7. ….



As you can see, speed is important but not all important.  Many factors should be considered when determining the importance of how and what to use or not to use when migrating your email archives from on premise to the cloud or vice versa. 



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